Each one of us has a distinct way of making money. Success is measured in terms of the wealth we possess. In the process you should not forget on how you have gone on to accumulate wealth in the first place. Money does not multiply overnight and you need to work towards enhancing wealth. Quiet often you might have heard invest in the best tax saving ELSS funds . Let us now understand what ELSS funds are in the first place. As the name suggests it is self- explanatory and points to investment in equities. A tax saving instrument which provides you with tax rebates under section 80 C of the Income tax act. These are rated to be funds that people invest all around the year, but some people consider it as a last investment option in showcasing for the current fiscal year. The positives of ELSS funds · A lock in period of 3 years, that is lesser in comparison to the other tax saving instruments · The ...